
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Doctor Cairo P Rocha is a modern-day practitioner of alternative medical treatment which has it’s roots in ancient Asian medicine, consisting mainly of Chinese Japanese, and Tibetan methods. Also included in his portfolio are the Japanese healing methods of acupressure and acupuncture. In his unique video series by way of public discourse, he takes you on a journey into the fascinating realm of the healing of human conditions and ailments which is as spiritual as it is practical. When visiting Dr. Cairo Rocha acupuncturist in Nassau Bahamas you learn of fascinating terms such as Mudras, Feng Sui, Toyo Igaku, and many more and the important role each plays in the process of natural healing. The energy of food, Longevity in Chinese Medicine, Empowerment, Cancer Care in Chinese Medicine, Vision and envision, healing your eyes, Memory and Cognitive Function in Chinese Medicine are just some of the topics that are presented in dynamic detail with Q&A sessions included. Health and wellness are paramount and Dr. Rocha demonstrates just that in his presentations. Dr. Cairo P. Rocha currently has his acupuncture practice in the Bahamas, where he continues to study and grow his knowledge of alternative medical treatment and pain management therapies. Visit Cairo's Site https://www.cairorochamed.com/ Buddhist Biohacker Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D Our Stand Against Violence: Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend. The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube. We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron View upcoming LIVEstreams: https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast-schedule Join our forum discussion: https://mewe.com/join/buddhistbiohackerforum Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner. www.lisamgunshore.com Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: www.ajatakasa.com The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies. www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Music by Pulscension Productions www.ajatakasa.com/sound-experiences Link to LIVE https://www.youtube.com/c/BuddhistBiohacker/live IG: @buddhistbiohacker Twitter: @buddhabiohack mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Tim Sandars is an entrepreneur from London who founded the brand Omnia after being inspired by the science and teachings of Ilija Lakicevic, who taught him the solution to all of the world’s radiation problems. He set up the brand Omnia Radiation Balancer and then went on a journey of understanding all his principles in science covering the true concept of the atom, the true structure of water and he also got to learn about the advent of a new unit of energy called the ‘Deca’, which is something that could replace electricity as a clean and abundant energy supply, if we allow it to work for us. Buddhist Biohacker Podcast https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast Buddhist Biohacker Partners https://www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Become A Patron or Donate https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Join Lisa with special guest Christine Shahin the third Thursday of every month for their show Ancient Future. In this show they will discuss ancient ways of living and their partnership with new technologies. How do we move forward in partnership with Mother Earth? Ayurveda, Sustainable Beauty, Epigenetics, Regenerative Living and More. Christine and Lisa will also share the Goddess Herstory Series Each month we take a specific Goddess to explore, her symbolism, gifts, and lessons https://christineshahin.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/christineshahin Buddhist Biohacker Podcast https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast Buddhist Biohacker Partners https://www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Become A Patron or Donate https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Join Sheryl Cremeens, the Colorado Herbalist, the third Thursday of every month for discussion on Herbalogy and it’s naturaling healing qualities. My name is Sheryl Cremeens and I am a certified Herbalist. I use plants and other holistic methods to help people feel better and heal. We are not just a symptom or just one thing. We are a beautiful combination of our life, environment, history, family, everything. I also offer Spiritual readings through tarot as a way to connect with Spirit to offer guidance through life’s changes. Website: www.coloradoherbalist.com Apothecary and store: www.coloradoherbalist.com/apothecary-and-store/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHB5nEhXRFgSofGlTNbi9KQ Instagram: @colorado_herbalist MeWe: https://mewe.com/p/coloradoherbalist Buddhist Biohacker Podcast https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast Buddhist Biohacker Partners https://www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Become A Patron or Donate https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Join Marlena and Lisa the second Tuesday of every month for LIVE Tarot Readings. Website www.islandwisetarot.com/book-me/ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbYGvfNd4ygPHcSayRYWp-g Instagram www.instagram.com/island.wise Buddhist Biohacker Podcast https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast Buddhist Biohacker Partners https://www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Become A Patron or Donate https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Melissa Divine is a multi-talented psychic medium renowned for “spot on” readings that are chock full of evidence, compassion, and profound insights. In ten years as a professional team, Melissa and Spirit have changed lives and converted skeptics to believers through channeled readings, uplifting events, and professional training for a new generation of skilled psychics and healers. Melissa is currently exploring the globe from a vanlife camper while offering spiritual talks and readings from the road. Follow her spiritual journey on Instagram ("melissadivine_medium") or at MelissaDivine.net. Melissa's Links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadivine_medium/ Website: https://melissadivine.net Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTdLYXeylTVjcpkF8-Jet4Q Buddhist Biohacker Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D Our Stand Against Violence: Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend. View upcoming LIVEstreams: https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast... Join our forum discussion: https://mewe.com/join/buddhistbiohack... Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner. www.lisamgunshore.com Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: www.ajatakasa.com The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies. www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Music by Pulscension Productions www.ajatakasa.com/sound-experiences https://www.youtube.com/c/BuddhistBio...

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Join us on the second Tuesday of every month for ‘Keeping It Real’ with Julie Hoyle In this monthly feature presentation, we will be exploring: How to live from awakened awareness, How to embody, honor and respect our physical expression, How to support awakening for others, and What our call to action is with respect to helping the whole of humanity awaken. Website https://www.juliehoyle.org/ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBvVsZkYxebZQNelOfngmRA Books by Julie https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/JulieHoyle Buddhist Biohacker Podcast https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast Buddhist Biohacker Partners https://www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Become A Patron or Donate https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Aimée Cartier is a psychic guide who specializes in helping her clients discern what choices are in their highest and best interest so that they have the information they need to act on and align with their own highest good. She is known for her clear, accurate insight, her attention to practical details, and her compassionate guidance. Her clients most often report feeling uplifted, empowered, or just “better” after a session with her. Aimée is also passionate about turning others on to their own innate intuitive knowing. She wrote her book, Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life, with the goal of showing others just how easy it is to get their own life’s questions answered. She is the founder of Empath Intuition University and Intuition University. In either private or group programs, she teaches women who have a hard time trusting their own intuition, don’t know how to use it to get results, or are ready to harness their own inner knowing as a prominent and reliable source of goodness in their lives. She helps them understand and enhance their own innate intuitive traits and increase their connection with their inner knowing so that they can use these skills to thrive and guide them to their best lives their whole lives long. More about her and her work, including her blog, can be found at www.AimeeCartier.com. Buddhist Biohacker Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D Our Stand Against Violence: Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend. View upcoming LIVEstreams: https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast... Join our forum discussion: https://mewe.com/join/buddhistbiohack... Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner. www.lisamgunshore.com Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: www.ajatakasa.com The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies. www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Music by Pulscension Productions www.ajatakasa.com/sound-experiences https://www.youtube.com/c/BuddhistBio...

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
"Lauren is a fitness professional with more than 19 years experience, who specializes in helping people get fit, athletic, and heal from pain. She has a unique understanding of how unresolved trauma stored in the body’s electromagnetic field distorts tissue, causing physical pain, and the genetic expression of DNA in dis-ease. Pain Explained, her signature program, helps you get fit, athletic, and heal from pain, mental, emotional & physical.” laurensaracione.com for my signature Spiritual & Fitness Program: Pain Explained undergroundascension.com for my monthly spiritual coaching loveclubcommunity.com for my podcast community YouTube.com/laurensaracione instagram.com/laurensaracione Facebook.com/laurensaracione Buddhist Biohacker Podcast https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast Buddhist Biohacker Partners https://www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Become A Patron or Donate https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Here we explore Buddha’s life and his many great gifts to humanity. We follow his journey from a young prince, to a rebel, revolutionary, and realized yogi. Through story, philosophy, and inquiry, we will dive into the historical backdrop of his birth and investigate how he came to be known as “the Buddha”. Come get the details, discover the insights, and see how this can set your life in a new and amazing direction. Living Yoga with Satyam First Tuesday of Every Month at 11:11am MT SATYAM: FOUNDING DIRECTOR OF RENAISSANCE YOGA Website: http://www.renyoga.com Living Yoga Podcasts: http://www.renyoga.com/podcasts/living-yoga-podcasts/ YOGA & MEDITATION PRACTICES Live Online Yoga Classes: http://www.renyoga.com/schedule-2/ On Demand Yoga Classes: http://www.renyoga.com/live-streams/ Buddhist Biohacker Podcast https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast Buddhist Biohacker Partners https://www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Become A Patron or Donate https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron

Lisa M. Gunshore: Personal Transformation Coach and Sacred Creator
Lisa M. Gunshore is a trailblazer in personal transformation, blending her roles as a tantric yogini, Certified Quantum Coach, Certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach, and Certified Yoga Educator to empower individuals to become their Whole Self and live their soul’s purpose. As the CEO of her own business, Lisa offers coaching for leaders in any industry, guiding them to lead with presence, consciousness, and authenticity.
Initiated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lisa’s work is deeply rooted in non-violence, compassion, and vitality. She supports holistic healing by addressing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges through genetic transformation, ancestral healing, and tailored wellness plans. Her expertise spans conditions such as MTHFR mutations, mold exposure, candida overgrowth, and parasitic infections, while her practice emphasizes nourishing the body with natural foods and raising vibrational frequency.
Lisa’s approach to empowerment extends beyond the individual to focus on lineage and ancestry, helping clients break generational patterns, recover from codependency, and shift from a victim mindset to embrace their role as Sacred Creators.
As the founder of the Buddhist Biohacker platform and YouTube channel, Lisa produces inspiring, conscious content that promotes healing, self-discovery, and empowerment. She also hosts transformative workshops, retreats, and online classes to help others embody their highest potential.
Lisa’s certifications and methods reflect her dedication to well-being and personal growth:
- Certified Quantum Coach, guiding deep inner transformation and purpose alignment.
- Certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach, using functional Ayurveda to create vitality and balance.
- Certified Yoga Educator, specializing in alignment-based yoga and a compassion-centered approach to self-care and loving-kindness.
- Certified YogaSHRED™ and Block Therapy Instructor, combining dynamic movement with innovative techniques to improve posture, release adhesions, and foster flexibility.
Her work has helped countless individuals worldwide heal, transform, and thrive by embracing their authentic selves. Lisa’s mission is clear: to empower others to find balance, harmony, and freedom from suffering, embodying her teachings as a living example of what it means to live a purpose-driven life.