Buddhist Biohacker

Wellness. Food. Meditation. Spiritual Development.

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Friday Oct 09, 2020

Here we explore and contrast the age-old yogic method of personal development with the modern day phenomenon of "cancel culture". We all make mistakes, and we all want to improve. So in this current climate, how might we evaluate one's past misdeeds in ways that give us a fair measure of who they are, without blocking their progress of who they can become.  
Website: http://www.renyoga.com
Blog: http://www.renyoga.com/blog/
Living Yoga Podcasts: http://www.renyoga.com/podcasts/living-yoga-podcasts/
Contact Us: http://www.renyoga.com/contact-us/
Live Online Yoga Classes: http://www.renyoga.com/schedule-2/
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On Demand Yoga Classes: http://www.renyoga.com/live-streams/
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear.  We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind.  United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube.  We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: 
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Friday Oct 09, 2020

Alandi Ashram, Alandi Ayurveda School and the Alandi Ayurveda Clinic are nestled up against the foothills in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. Founded in 1990 by Alakananda Ma and Sadanandaji, Alandi Ashram is inspired by the saints of Alandi, Sant Jnaneshwar and Raghudas Maharaj, Alandi Ashram manifests their core teachings of oneness, simplicity, love and connectedness. As Raghudas has taught us, “There are many rivers, yet one ocean.”
Thus, we honor one spirit through multiple world wisdom traditions, one heart in a diversity of individual expression and one consciousness in Earth and her varied life forms.
We practice simplicity by living humbly and sustainably upon our Mother Earth and express our love as a healing community rooted in the teachings of Ayurveda. Recognizing that health of the individual and the family rests upon the health of the Earth, we are devoted to earth-healing practices centered upon the five sacred elements: earth, water, fire, air and space. We seek to sustain nature in all our daily choices, including housing, food production, transportation, healthcare and energy use.
Meeting our needs with simplicity and making our offerings of spiritual practices and Ayurveda accessible to all, we reach out to nourish those who are socially disenfranchised or economically disadvantaged. In the spirit of connectedness, we welcome seekers of all walks of life into our family of the heart.
We currently have a GoFundMe Campaign for support which can be reached
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear.  We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind.  United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube.  We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: 
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Monday Sep 28, 2020

Doctor Cairo P Rocha is a modern-day practitioner of alternative medical treatment which has it’s roots in ancient Asian medicine, consisting mainly of Chinese Japanese, and Tibetan methods. Also included in his portfolio are the Japanese healing methods of acupressure and acupuncture.
In his unique video series by way of public discourse, he takes you on a journey into the fascinating realm of the healing of human conditions and ailments which is as spiritual as it is practical.
When visiting Dr. Cairo Rocha acupuncturist in Nassau Bahamas you learn of fascinating terms such as Mudras, Feng Sui, Toyo Igaku, and many more and the important role each plays in the process of natural healing.
The energy of food, Longevity in Chinese Medicine, Empowerment, Cancer Care in Chinese Medicine, Vision and envision, healing your eyes, Memory and Cognitive Function in Chinese Medicine are just some of the topics that are presented in dynamic detail with Q&A sessions included.
Health and wellness are paramount and Dr. Rocha demonstrates just that in his presentations.

Dr. Cairo P. Rocha currently has his acupuncture practice in the Bahamas, where he continues to study and grow his knowledge of alternative medical treatment and pain management therapies.
Visit Cairo's Site
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear.  We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind.  United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube.  We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: 
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Monday Sep 28, 2020

Join Lisa in this wonderful conversation with Psychic and Author Debra Lynne Katz, along with Clairvoyant and Minister Suzanne Hunt.  We will be discussing what it is like to live life through the eyes of a clairvoyant.
Debra Lynne Katz is close to receiving her Ph.D in Psychology, with an emphasis in human consciousness and society, and holds a Masters Degree in Social Work. She is a former U.S. Probation Officer and legal advocate for victims.  She has been conducting remote viewing and parapsychological research for a number of years, and worked/studied in the Ingo Swann remote viewing archives for three years at University of West Georgia. She is also the Director of the International School of Clairvoyance, one of the first schools of its kind to offer successful distant training programs via teleseminar and webinar. She is author of the landmark books You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing; Extraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Abilities and Freeing the Genie Within. She is an accomplished clairvoyant, remote viewer, medium and energy healer who works for some of the leading business manufactures, stockbrokers, and whose clientele include some of the top celebrities in the nation. Several of her studies from the past two decades have gone onto start successful professional intuitive related businesses. Her website is: www.debrakatz.com http://www.debrakatz.com/
Suzanne is an empathic clairvoyant, healer and spiritual teacher who brings intuitive insight to energize your spiritual path and help advance your personal goals. She has completed advanced spiritual studies at three clairvoyant schools to develop energy awareness and a suite of clairvoyant healing techniques. She inspires her clients and students to discover more clarity, freedom and fulfillment as they create their lives from their own spiritual truth.  
Buddhist Biohacker

Monday Sep 28, 2020

Tim Walter is a house healer (geomancer), dowser and alternative life coach. An ex-film maker he now researches aspects of consciousness in order to help people realise their extraordinariness in the everyday. Using intuitive skills such as dowsing and a practical spiritual approach to life he helps people overcome personal obstacles like fear, anxiety and depression. Primarily working remotely on the environment where people live or work with focused intention Tim facilitates improved wellbeing by assisting in a positive re-alignment of the powerful subtle energies of ‘place’.
In 1998 Tim and his family moved into a house in which they encountered what is ordinarily called a ghost. But this was no ordinary disincarnate soul, this was a guardian aspect of the ‘spirit of place’ who very quickly announced that she “just wanted to be a part of the family”! Tim and his family lived with the spirit aspect known simply as Jane for almost fifteen years, during which time they had conversations about the subtle energies of the land known as ‘earth energy’ and eventually realised humanities role in the guardianship of the physical environment. Learning acquired from such great dowsers as Hamish Miller, who jointly with author Paul Broadhurst, rediscovered the earth energy lines that stretch across southern England known as the Michael and Mary lines, added comprehensively to Tim’s current outlook on life. Tim now shares his experience not only with his clients but also with those he teaches to become house-healers.
More information on Tim’s dowsing and house healing can be found on his YouTube channel 
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear.  We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind.  United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube.  We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: 
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Monday Sep 28, 2020

Join Lisa and Julie Hoyle as we celebrate our 100th episode of Buddhist Biohacker.
Join in the sharing of stories of Awakening from 2020.
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear.  We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind.  United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube.  We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: 
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Monday Sep 28, 2020

Join us on the third Thursday of every month for Herbal Thursday's with featured guest Sheryl Garcia.  Lisa and Sheryl share how to live holistically and different uses of herbs based on their combined traditions of Ayurveda and Herbalogy.
My name is Sheryl Garcia and I am a certified Herbalist. I help people feel better and heal using plants. I look at the whole person -Body, Mind, and Spirit- when I am treating a person. We are not just a symptom or just one thing. We are a beautiful combination of our life, environment, history, family, everything. I work with you and empower you to take responsibility for your own health and well-being.
Website  https://coloradoherbalist.com/
Blog  https://coloradoherbalist.com/blog/
Herbal Consultations  https://coloradoherbalist.com/herbal-...
Spiritual Readings  https://coloradoherbalist.com/spiritu...
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear.  We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind.  United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube.  We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: 
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Monday Sep 28, 2020

Krista Pasionek
Senior Vice President
Five Rings Financial and Manifest Wealth
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear.  We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind.  United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube.  We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: 
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Monday Sep 28, 2020

Join us as we talk with our special Guest, Jeff Strong, renowned Drummer and Found of the Strong Institute.
The Strong Institute is a Leader in the Science of Applied Musical Rhythm.
meditation https://youtu.be/7qxQH9SnQpI
gamma https://youtu.be/nT-Xz_1fgaY
drumming and theta https://youtu.be/GOcNhxIIioM
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear.  We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind.  United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube.  We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: 
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Monday Sep 28, 2020

Claudette Dean was born in 1954 and raised on the beautiful north shore of Lake Huron in Blind River, Ontario, Canada. In 1975, she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in French Literature from the University of Windsor. She spent the summer of '75 continuing her studies at The University of Nice, France, and it was while studying there, that she first sensed an intuitive pull towards the visual arts—a direction which she was not yet ready to embark upon.
After living and working in Toronto, and then in Montreal, in 1979 Claudette left the shores of her native land and crossed the ocean to marry her fiancee, Donald, and make The Bahamas her new home. Settling into her new life, she worked as a French teacher, and in 1982 gave birth to her son, Donald Jr. She spent the next eleven years owning and operating two local successful businesses. At a time in her life when the status quo was no longer enough, and as a search for Self intensified, the visual arts came back into focus. She headed into the waters of creativity and soon found herself joyfully swept up in the flow.
Claudette totally devoted herself to her craft. Through focus, dedication, and consistent studio work—along with the mentorship of noted Bahamian artist and sculptor Antonius Roberts, and the support of family and friends—a successful career as an artist ensued.
Beginning in the early 1990s, her voyage has encompassed four solo exhibitions, countless group and juried shows on both national and international levels, an award for Excellence in the Realm of Fine Art from the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, and the pleasure of seeing her work in the most prestigious collections at home and abroad, including The National Collection of The Bahamas.
In 2005, Dr. Erica M. James, then Director of the National Art Gallery of The Bahamas wrote:
“Claudette Dean paints from the spirit, what she believes in that moment is true… for her, and artists like her, art can become a medium in and of itself. The process of art making can initiate a spiritual transformation on the part of the artist, and the potential also exists for this spirit to move in the viewer as they engage the work.”
Claudette Dean
The process of art making did indeed initiate spiritual transformation on the part of the artist—and Claudette considers the greatest measure of her success to be those who have expressed being moved by the transformational spirit of her work.
Beginning in the early 1990s, she navigated the waters of creativity primarily as a painter and mixed media artist. In 2010, acting upon an intuitive prompt, she wrote a series of poems to compliment a body of work for her second solo exhibition. The poems—love poems to the divine—and the paintings, are featured in a book named for this exhibition, Inner Sanctum.
Claudette subsequently broadened her sights to include the written and spoken word, and adjusted her compass accordingly.
The Circles of Life, a personal essay describing her spiritual awakening, was selected for publication in the 2012 edition of WomanSpeak—A Journal of Literature and Art by Caribbean Woman—a publication which from its 4th volume in 1999, has featured Claudette’s artwork, and has selected her paintings for the covers of the 2010 and 2014 editions.
She went on to write and perform Resurrection, a performance art video which was shown at the National Art Gallery of The Bahamas in their 6th National Exhibition, Kingdom Come.
The producer of the video, David Mackey of Mackeymedia.com, described the video as Claudette’s Magnus Opus and wrote:
“Seeing Claudette's work, one can't help but conclude that she is spiritually connected to unwritten laws that foster harmonious coexistence free from the superficial veils of delusion that mask our true selves."
In 2016, Claudette joined a local writers group. A story she wrote in response to a prompt given at one of the meetings would, over the next two years, spill out into a full blown novel. In 2018, with the publication of Smelling Roses––A Tale of Connection and Transformation, Claudette became an author.
“Claudette Dean’s inspirational artistry now manifests itself in this intriguing book written in her unique style. A very plausible story, it is interspersed with intuited messages of Universal truth illuminating The Way. Smelling Roses is a beautiful thought-provoking work from a spiritually guided writer.” — Barbara R.H. Chester, founder of the Grand Bahama Labyrinth
In Claudette's own words,
“Embracing the unknown, I continue exploring and expressing from my place of connection as I follow the Golden Thread. Through the process, I discover my gifts, and through the work, I share them. And the journey continues.”
In the wake of Hurricane Dorian, Claudette works from her rebuilt home studio and office, and resides with husband, Donald Dean, on the island of Grand Bahama.


Lisa M. Gunshore: Personal Transformation Coach and Sacred Creator

Lisa M. Gunshore is a trailblazer in personal transformation, blending her roles as a tantric yogini, Certified Quantum Coach, Certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach, and Certified Yoga Educator to empower individuals to become their Whole Self and live their soul’s purpose. As the CEO of her own business, Lisa offers coaching for leaders in any industry, guiding them to lead with presence, consciousness, and authenticity.

Initiated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lisa’s work is deeply rooted in non-violence, compassion, and vitality. She supports holistic healing by addressing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges through genetic transformation, ancestral healing, and tailored wellness plans. Her expertise spans conditions such as MTHFR mutations, mold exposure, candida overgrowth, and parasitic infections, while her practice emphasizes nourishing the body with natural foods and raising vibrational frequency.

Lisa’s approach to empowerment extends beyond the individual to focus on lineage and ancestry, helping clients break generational patterns, recover from codependency, and shift from a victim mindset to embrace their role as Sacred Creators.

As the founder of the Buddhist Biohacker platform and YouTube channel, Lisa produces inspiring, conscious content that promotes healing, self-discovery, and empowerment. She also hosts transformative workshops, retreats, and online classes to help others embody their highest potential.

Lisa’s certifications and methods reflect her dedication to well-being and personal growth:

  • Certified Quantum Coach, guiding deep inner transformation and purpose alignment.
  • Certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach, using functional Ayurveda to create vitality and balance.
  • Certified Yoga Educator, specializing in alignment-based yoga and a compassion-centered approach to self-care and loving-kindness.
  • Certified YogaSHRED™ and Block Therapy Instructor, combining dynamic movement with innovative techniques to improve posture, release adhesions, and foster flexibility.

Her work has helped countless individuals worldwide heal, transform, and thrive by embracing their authentic selves. Lisa’s mission is clear: to empower others to find balance, harmony, and freedom from suffering, embodying her teachings as a living example of what it means to live a purpose-driven life.

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