
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Aimée Cartier is a psychic guide who specializes in helping her clients discern what choices are in their highest and best interest so that they have the information they need to act on and align with their own highest good. She is known for her clear, accurate insight and her attention to practical details. She is the founder of Empath Intuition University and Intuition University, in either private or group programs, she teaches women who have a hard time trusting their own intuition or don’t know how to use it to get results. She helps them understand and enhance their own innate intuitive traits and increase their connection with their inner knowing so that they can use these skills to thrive and guide them to their best lives their whole lives long. She is also the author of the book, Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life.
www.AimeeCartier.com (or www.SpreadingBlessings.com Both website links lead to the same place, but when speaking, sometimes Spreading Blessings is easier to say/spell.)
Instagram: @aimeecartier
Facebook: @intuitionuniversity
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube. We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Join Marlena and Lisa the second Tuesday of every month for LIVE Tarot Readings.
Marlena's Info:
My website: www.islandwisetarot.com
My etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/IslandWise
My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Island-Wise-...
My instagram handle: https://www.instagram.com/island.wise/
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbYG...
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube. We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Before becoming a serial entrepreneur, Dallisa held instrumental roles in cultural growth and engagement development for both academic institutions and corporations. Hocking enjoys creating innovative events and initiatives for the community, especially when it involves philanthropic partnerships and thoughtful business collaborations. In early 2016, Dallisa started Spirit & Spark, a company designed to help individuals remove blocks from their personal path through meditation, workshops and one-on-one private sessions. She has been recognized as a ‘Fearless Female’ by Las Vegas Woman magazine and won the Chairman’s Award for Innovation from Caesars Entertainment. For more information on her work, please visit: www.SpiritAndSpark.com
5th Generation Psychic Medium + Intuitive Business Consultant
Before she became a nationally recognized psychic medium, spiritual coach and intuitive business consultant, Dallisa led a very different life as an executive in the casino industry in Las Vegas. She has made matters of the heart, living mindfully and teaching people how to elevate their own lives her core mission. Her company, Spirit & Spark, is devoted to teaching people how to live with intention, fearlessness and authenticity. Dallisa has trained with industry superstars such as Tony Robbins, Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Lee Harris and Dr. Raymond Moody. She received her psychic gifts from her grandmother (Eloise) and great-great grandmother (Bell). Dallisa has also had the privilege of working on cold cases, providing loved ones with information and closure.
Website Links + Offers
Free Manifestation Guide and 30-min for $30 Offer with a Spirit & Spark Practitioner: http://spiritandspark.com/free-ebook
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/SpiritAndSpark
Exclusive Deals + Weekly Energy Forecasts: Text EXPAND to 33222
Work with Spirit & Spark
To express interest in my upcoming psychic development training or intuitive business consulting for spiritual practitioners, please email me at dallisa@SpiritAndSpark.com or (702) 551-6819 (text, please).
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube. We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Here we explore the very practical approach of conscious breathing and yogic meditation and how it complements modern daily living. Learn ancient techniques to calm the mind and restore the body– inviting success in this 21st century. Gain the essentials for pursuing your own home practice.
Website: http://www.renyoga.com
Blog: http://www.renyoga.com/blog/
Living Yoga Podcasts: http://www.renyoga.com/podcasts/livin...
Contact Us: http://www.renyoga.com/contact-us/
Live Online Yoga Classes: http://www.renyoga.com/schedule-2/
Free Yoga Podcasts: http://www.renyoga.com/podcasts/yoga-...
Free Meditation Podcasts: http://www.renyoga.com/podcasts/medit...
On Demand Yoga Classes: http://www.renyoga.com/live-streams/
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube. We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Join us for our monthly One Heart One Earth Clinic Podcast with our practitioners. This month we are discussing Fall health.
Wellness (noun). the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.
As we heal our hearts, we heal the Earth and each other.
In support of the community and this new era of living, One Heart One Earth (OHOE) is excited to announce the launch of the Virtual Wellness Clinic (VWC) to assist those in search of holistic and natural methods for overall health and wellness.
If you are feeling you may need more support during this time, we can help you uncover the path holistic living. For example:
Would you like to feel more focused or have more energy?
Is your sleep restful and are you able to wake refreshed?
Do you experience food sensitivities?
What adjustments can be made to support your body as the seasons change?
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube. We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Learning the language of pain
Discomforts as map
Dismantling habits and patterns (physical shadows)
Fascia as Consciousness
Power of embodiment
April is a Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), an ERYT-500, a Certified Life Coach and NLP Practitioner. In April's private practice, she teaches and applies wisdom from her extensive training, study, and empirical basis in multiple disciplines including yin, restorative yoga, Ayurveda, fascial anatomy, postural biomechanics, meditation, breath and neuroplasticity. She believes Wholeness can be achieved through the discovery and unraveling of counterproductive habits and patterns in mind and body. One of her greatest passions is to teach and share the methods which promote good health, awareness, empowerment, connection, calm abiding, and unlocking our powerful potential!
Join her M, W, F for live zoom classes (links on website) or schedule a private session for Yoga Therapy, NLP or Life-Coaching.
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube. We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
Link to LIVE
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Jaitara is the best selling author of, The Four Sacred Laws of Sexual Enlightenment.
Her new creation, Feminine Artistry™, is a temple of Tantric Arts and Women's Wisdom, where women dive deep,
breathe, dance and create art with love and legacy.
She loves to guide others to create extraordinary deep connection, in sexual intimacy, with or without a partner,
and how to channel and transmute their sexual energy to empower that which they are creating in the world personally and professionally.
Jaitara is a certified Master Breath worker, energy healer and a divine channel. She helps her clients clear on a cellular level, wounds
of the past from abuse, and any other emotional residue that is standing in the way of their full liberated expression.
Jaitara is grounded in wisdom, abundant in love, and a little woo-woo… an ordained Priestess, healer, creator, and dancer… barefoot and in heels.
Due to her extensive experience in film and TV, she also has specialized sexual empowerment programs for actors and other artists.
She is an author, speaker and indie publisher for women with a spiritual message.
Current primary site: Jaitara.com
In Creation, but has free gifts to access: FeminineArtistry.com
Current program: CreativeLifeForceMastery.com
Social Media:
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Join Lisa as she speaks with special guest Gilbert Picinich about Vedic Astrology. Why is it different? Gilbert will be sharing his thoughts on the months ahead. Learn what to expect and how Vedic Astrology can work for you.
Gilbert Picinich has been doing intuitive Vedic astrological readings since 2000. His knowledge of Reiki and shamanic energy work infuses the sessions with healing energy.
He is also a carpenter, artisan and musician.
Cell 845 434 7381
Email: astrogilberto@hotmail.com
Facebook page : Vedic Visions
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Cairo P Rocha is a Japanese, Chinese and Tibetan medicines practitioner. He has been teaching and practicing acupuncture and co-related natural therapies for over 30 years. He holds a PhD in Natural Sciences from the University of Natural Medicine, New Mexico; a PhD in Therapeutic Counseling by The Open International University for Complementary Medicine, Sri Lanka, and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (OMD) degree from the Tokyo Acupuncture, Moxibustion
and Jusei College in Japan. He has traveled extensively and studied in several countries including China, India, Germany, France, the UK and the USA.
Cairo is also the author of Anger Goes Up, Fear Goes Down - Emotions and the Hidden Link (Author House 2004) and Mudras, Healing with Vibrant Hands (Balboa Press 2018). He is frequently invited to present workshops on health and healing in the Bahamas, where he is currently in private practice, as well as abroad.
Visit Cairo's Site
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Rachael Aberle is a certified Block Therapist, Massage Therapist, Yoga Instructor, Zumba Gold instructor, BodyTalk practitioner, Reiki and Theta Helaing practitioner and Raw food educator. She is passionate about self-care and sharing her skills with others. She currently teaches Block Therapy virtually on ZOOM and coordinates retreats in The Bahamas and Costa Rica.
Her websites are www.iloveblocktherapy.com and www.rachaelaberle.com.
Instagram - Rachaelswellness
Here is my offering, please see https://kd167.isrefer.com/go/FreeImmuneClass/radiorach/
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Lisa M. Gunshore: Personal Transformation Coach and Sacred Creator
Lisa M. Gunshore is a trailblazer in personal transformation, blending her roles as a tantric yogini, Certified Quantum Coach, Certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach, and Certified Yoga Educator to empower individuals to become their Whole Self and live their soul’s purpose. As the CEO of her own business, Lisa offers coaching for leaders in any industry, guiding them to lead with presence, consciousness, and authenticity.
Initiated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lisa’s work is deeply rooted in non-violence, compassion, and vitality. She supports holistic healing by addressing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges through genetic transformation, ancestral healing, and tailored wellness plans. Her expertise spans conditions such as MTHFR mutations, mold exposure, candida overgrowth, and parasitic infections, while her practice emphasizes nourishing the body with natural foods and raising vibrational frequency.
Lisa’s approach to empowerment extends beyond the individual to focus on lineage and ancestry, helping clients break generational patterns, recover from codependency, and shift from a victim mindset to embrace their role as Sacred Creators.
As the founder of the Buddhist Biohacker platform and YouTube channel, Lisa produces inspiring, conscious content that promotes healing, self-discovery, and empowerment. She also hosts transformative workshops, retreats, and online classes to help others embody their highest potential.
Lisa’s certifications and methods reflect her dedication to well-being and personal growth:
- Certified Quantum Coach, guiding deep inner transformation and purpose alignment.
- Certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach, using functional Ayurveda to create vitality and balance.
- Certified Yoga Educator, specializing in alignment-based yoga and a compassion-centered approach to self-care and loving-kindness.
- Certified YogaSHRED™ and Block Therapy Instructor, combining dynamic movement with innovative techniques to improve posture, release adhesions, and foster flexibility.
Her work has helped countless individuals worldwide heal, transform, and thrive by embracing their authentic selves. Lisa’s mission is clear: to empower others to find balance, harmony, and freedom from suffering, embodying her teachings as a living example of what it means to live a purpose-driven life.