
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
After a 21 year career In which Heather led primarily from the head, she awakened in 2020 after experiencing visions and direction from her guides, and began the journey of leading from her heart.
Leading from the heart takes daily practice and focus, but the peace felt during the process, as well as the outcome, is immeasurably different compared to being led from the head; from both a personal as well as professional perspective.
Heather’s 21 career as a Vice President for one of the largest banks in the country combined her love and passion for people with Process Design to build some of the most successful teams in the company.
Heather specializes in identifying the strengths of each individual executive leader, their teammates and partners, and leverages those strengths to improve performance, revenue and market share, client satisfaction, and increased retention of top performing associates.
Her unique associate-centered approach not only helps executive leaders and business owners improve their hiring decisions, she also helps leaders and business owners prepare for difficult conversions that leave both the associate as well as their leader or business owner feeling empowered to make change.
If you have questions regarding how to lead from your heart for improved performance with your business or associates and partners, Heather will be answering these questions during her Buddhist biohacker podcast!
We look forward to working together from the heart!
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
We are honored to welcome special guest Misa Hopkins.
Misa Hopkins has healed her own incurable condition and chronic illness. In her process of healing, and as an astute observer of others' healing journeys, she discovered that the process itself is a path to spiritual awakening. This is the message she shares today.
Misa grew up in Washington state and graduated with a degree in Special Education, with an emphasis in Behavioral Science. Teaching, singing and acting were her great loves, so she taught special needs children during the day, and at night you could find her on stage, frequently the lead in a local musical.
After several years, she made a career change to become involved with public relations and marketing for non-profit organizations, eventually opening her own consulting firm offering communications and organizational development services to professional businesses and Fortune 500 companies.
Now, using her background as an educator and healer, along with her intuitive abilities, she provides practical insights to help people unlock the spiritual mystery of self-healing. Through her loving support, people around the world are discovering the root causes of their illnesses, owning their natural abilities to heal, and creating their own miracles, as they embrace the Divinity within themselves.
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Join Sheryl and Lisa as they discuss the Connection of gut to whole health
Messages to brain
Serotonin - Mood
Brain fog
Leaky gut -- intestinal hypermobility
Nutritional deficiencies
Environmental toxins
Inflammatory food triggers
Leaky gut & chronic inflammation
REBOOT--Remove food intolerances & hidden food triggers
All Artificial Ingredients & Poor Quality Oils & Fats
Sugar & White or Refined Carbohydrates
Gluten & Cross-reactive Grains
Dairy Products
Foods you don’t personally tolerate (foods you “crave” or comfort foods)
REMOVE -- Triggers & Big 4 meds
Digestive enzymes
Boost stomach acid
REINOCULATE -- Restore gut flora
Turmeric root, marshmallow root, DGL licorice
Antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, and the mineral selenium
Sheryl’s Colorado Herbalist links
Website https://coloradoherbalist.com/
Blog https://coloradoherbalist.com/blog/
Herbal Consultations https://coloradoherbalist.com/herbal-consultations/
Spiritual Readings https://coloradoherbalist.com/spiritual-readings/
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Karoliina Hellén is a Healing conduit of Cosmic Light and Truth piercer in Akasha, and she works as Yoga educator, teacher, Shamanic Intuitive Healer and Medium. For her The Breath is one of the most Holy tools of Healing and it was her most powerful tool to heal herself from terminal cancer, and all the aspects of her being. She burns to share the tools of healing with anyone ready to embrace them.
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productions

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Join Lisa and Satyam as he teaches about bio-psychology and the chakra system.
Website: http://www.renyoga.com
Blog: http://www.renyoga.com/blog/
Living Yoga Podcasts: http://www.renyoga.com/podcasts/living-yoga-podcasts/
Contact Us: http://www.renyoga.com/contact-us/
Live Online Yoga Classes: http://www.renyoga.com/schedule-2/
Free Yoga Podcasts: http://www.renyoga.com/podcasts/yoga-home-practice/
Free Meditation Podcasts: http://www.renyoga.com/podcasts/meditation-yoga-nidra/
On Demand Yoga Classes: http://www.renyoga.com/live-streams/
Buddhist Biohacker
Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D
Our Stand Against Violence:
Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:
Join our forum discussion:
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions:
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music By Radiant Drive

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Victoria Jane is an Ascension Guide, Spiritual Channel and Intuitive and has become a world-wide practitioner through word of mouth alone. Now Victoria is coming out of the mystics’ cave and into the light of social media, her message is clear, “Ascension is Simple”. Victoria has downloaded a very simple formula for ascension which assists all. Whether you are spiritual, religious or an atheist, this formula will align anyone to their highest potential which will naturally support the new world.
Victoria is a teacher of the Diana Cooper foundation, an Angelic Reiki Master and a student of The College of Psychic Studies in London. She is currently undergoing a master’s degree, ‘Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred’ at Christ Church Canterbury University and aspires to do a PhD in physical possession and sacred performance. Victoria is passionate to receive knowledge from all directions and dimensions in order to support, activate and teach spiritual ascension. “Lightworkers are not here to ascend, we are here to support the ascension of ALL”
Links: https://www.instagram.com/victoria.jane.ascension/ https://www.facebook.com/VictoriaJaneAscension/ https://www.victoriajaneascension.com/
Buddhist BiohackerCreating Conscious Content for 11:11DOur Stand Against Violence:Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast-schedule
Join our forum discussion:https://mewe.com/join/buddhistbiohackerforum
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.www.lisamgunshore.com
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: www.ajatakasa.com
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productionswww.ajatakasa.com/sound-experiences
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Join Lisa and Tim as they discuss Deca Energy and its importance in the ‘great awakening’ and the ‘great reset’. This leads into the importance of Consciousness and the power of human intent. We have a connection with Creator and co-create our world. Deca Energy is here to amplify our intentions. If our intentions are to rage against the machine, we will manifest chaos. If our intentions are to move to an era of unity consciousness and love… this is what will happen. And on the flip side, if anyone is casting out bad intentions, they will get their comeuppance as the Deca energy throws this imbalanced energy back at the perpetrators.
To learn more about Omnia visit: https://bit.ly/3ghv21E
Buddhist BiohackerCreating Conscious Content for 11:11DOur Stand Against Violence:Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast-schedule
Join our forum discussion:https://mewe.com/join/buddhistbiohackerforum
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.www.lisamgunshore.com
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: www.ajatakasa.com
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productionswww.ajatakasa.com/sound-experiences
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Marlena's Info: My website: www.islandwisetarot.com
My etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/IslandWise
My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Island-Wise-...
My instagram handle: https://www.instagram.com/island.wise/
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbYG...
Buddhist BiohackerCreating Conscious Content for 11:11DOur Stand Against Violence:Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast-schedule
Join our forum discussion:https://mewe.com/join/buddhistbiohackerforum
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.www.lisamgunshore.com
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: www.ajatakasa.com
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productionswww.ajatakasa.com/sound-experiences
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Marlena's Info: My website: www.islandwisetarot.com
My etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/IslandWise
My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Island-Wise-103144241484484
My instagram handle: https://www.instagram.com/island.wise/
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbYGvfNd4ygPHcSayRYWp-g
Buddhist BiohackerCreating Conscious Content for 11:11DOur Stand Against Violence:Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast-schedule
Join our forum discussion:https://mewe.com/join/buddhistbiohackerforum
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.www.lisamgunshore.com
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: www.ajatakasa.com
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productionswww.ajatakasa.com/sound-experiences
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
This monthly feature will focus on women entrepreneurs, empowerment in marriage, empowerment in general. I'll focus each month around my 5 core pillars: heart, head, health, home, hustle. Rachel Gerlach is a Professional Life Coach, Board Certified Health & Wellness coach and Certified Nutrition Therapist.
NutritionWorks: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClBD-UD1cz7IsguJ1KpWT9A?view_as=subscriber FB: @NutritionWorksLLC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nutritionworks_of_colorado/ Free Your Mind Coaching: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxSJ9u_VgScuFYkV4D5RkGg?view_as=subscriber FB: @creatingfreedomcoach Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freeyourmindcoaching/
Buddhist BiohackerCreating Conscious Content for 11:11DOur Stand Against Violence:Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend.
View upcoming LIVEstreams:https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast-schedule
Join our forum discussion:https://mewe.com/join/buddhistbiohackerforum
Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner.www.lisamgunshore.com
Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: www.ajatakasa.com
The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies.
Music by Pulscension Productionswww.ajatakasa.com/sound-experiences
IG: @buddhistbiohacker
Twitter: @buddhabiohack
mewe: Buddhist Biohacker Forum

Lisa M. Gunshore: Personal Transformation Coach and Sacred Creator
Lisa M. Gunshore is a trailblazer in personal transformation, blending her roles as a tantric yogini, Certified Quantum Coach, Certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach, and Certified Yoga Educator to empower individuals to become their Whole Self and live their soul’s purpose. As the CEO of her own business, Lisa offers coaching for leaders in any industry, guiding them to lead with presence, consciousness, and authenticity.
Initiated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lisa’s work is deeply rooted in non-violence, compassion, and vitality. She supports holistic healing by addressing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges through genetic transformation, ancestral healing, and tailored wellness plans. Her expertise spans conditions such as MTHFR mutations, mold exposure, candida overgrowth, and parasitic infections, while her practice emphasizes nourishing the body with natural foods and raising vibrational frequency.
Lisa’s approach to empowerment extends beyond the individual to focus on lineage and ancestry, helping clients break generational patterns, recover from codependency, and shift from a victim mindset to embrace their role as Sacred Creators.
As the founder of the Buddhist Biohacker platform and YouTube channel, Lisa produces inspiring, conscious content that promotes healing, self-discovery, and empowerment. She also hosts transformative workshops, retreats, and online classes to help others embody their highest potential.
Lisa’s certifications and methods reflect her dedication to well-being and personal growth:
- Certified Quantum Coach, guiding deep inner transformation and purpose alignment.
- Certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach, using functional Ayurveda to create vitality and balance.
- Certified Yoga Educator, specializing in alignment-based yoga and a compassion-centered approach to self-care and loving-kindness.
- Certified YogaSHRED™ and Block Therapy Instructor, combining dynamic movement with innovative techniques to improve posture, release adhesions, and foster flexibility.
Her work has helped countless individuals worldwide heal, transform, and thrive by embracing their authentic selves. Lisa’s mission is clear: to empower others to find balance, harmony, and freedom from suffering, embodying her teachings as a living example of what it means to live a purpose-driven life.