
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Join Lisa as she discusses Spiritual Community with special guests, Satyam and Julie Hoyle. Both of her guests have extensive experience engaging in spiritual community. Learn how to navigate the challenges of the community, how to engage with a community, and how to become your best self through Spiritual Community. https://linktr.ee/Juliehoyletruealignment www.renaissanceyoga.com www.buddhistbiohacker.com

Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Join us for another Diamond Beauty edition of Buddhist Biohacker. Each woman selected to be featured this year is a woman who reflects the Diamond Light of the Crystalline High Heart Center. This week is Minister and Healer, Suzanne Hunt. Suzanne is a community leader for ajatakasa and teaches clairvoyance techniques and healing practice. www.energetichealingarts.com You can read about her in our Diamond Beauties series of articles on lisamgunshore.com/blog.

Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Join us for another Diamond Beauty edition of Buddhist Biohacker. Each woman selected to be featured this year is a woman who reflects the Diamond Light of the Crystalline High Heart Center. This week is Minister and Healer, Suzanne Hunt. Suzanne is a community leader for ajatakasa and teaches clairvoyance techniques and healing practice. www.energetichealingarts.com You can read about her in our Diamond Beauties series of articles on lisamgunshore.com/blog.

Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Here we explore the backbone that forms the basis for yogic life. These days many think of yoga as a purely physical practice. Still others are interested in yogic philosophy but are not really sure where to begin. Well, whether it is investigating the keys for leading a yogic life or studying the foundations of yogic thought, the starting point is the ten principles of yama and niyama, the yogic code of morality. We shall review both the practical applications as well as the theoretical roots. Living Yoga with Satyam First Tuesday of Every Month at 11:11am MT SATYAM: FOUNDING DIRECTOR OF RENAISSANCE YOGA Website: http://www.renyoga.com Living Yoga Podcasts: http://www.renyoga.com/podcasts/living-yoga-podcasts/ YOGA & MEDITATION PRACTICES Live Online Yoga Classes: http://www.renyoga.com/schedule-2/ On Demand Yoga Classes: http://www.renyoga.com/live-streams/ Buddhist Biohacker Podcast https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast Buddhist Biohacker Partners https://www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Become A Patron or Donate https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron

Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Krista Pasionek Senior Vice President Five Rings Financial and Manifest Wealth https://livingbenefitsexperts.com/krista 303-408-2668 Krista.Pasionek@gmail.com Buddhist Biohacker Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D Our Stand Against Violence: Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend. The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube. We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron View upcoming LIVEstreams: https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast... Join our forum discussion: https://mewe.com/join/buddhistbiohack... Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner. www.lisamgunshore.com Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: www.ajatakasa.com The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies. www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Music by Pulscension Productions www.ajatakasa.com/sound-experiences Link to LIVE https://www.youtube.com/c/BuddhistBio... IG: @buddhistbiohacker Twitter: @buddhabiohack

Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Join Lisa M Gunshore, Michele Snelling, and Sheryl Cremeens as we discuss the importance of focusing your energy when managing a spiritual business.

Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Krista Pasionek Senior Vice President Five Rings Financial and Manifest Wealth https://livingbenefitsexperts.com/kri... 303-408-2668 Krista.Pasionek@gmail.com Buddhist Biohacker Creating Conscious Content for 11:11D Our Stand Against Violence: Violence manifests in many forms; the word, the weapon, the emotion, and the fear. We ask you to put your weapons down for the greater good of all mankind. United We Ascend. The Buddhist Biohacker platform has made the decision to turn off monetization on YouTube. We ask that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron View upcoming LIVEstreams: https://www.lisamgunshore.com/podcast... Join our forum discussion: https://mewe.com/join/buddhistbiohack... Your Host is Lisa M Gunshore; Channel, Author, and Functional Ayurveda Practitioner. www.lisamgunshore.com Lisa’s Sacred Container for Channeled Transmissions: www.ajatakasa.com The Buddhist Biohacker podcast is partnered with some incredible companies. www.lisamgunshore.com/partners Music by Pulscension Productions www.ajatakasa.com/sound-experiences Link to LIVE https://www.youtube.com/c/BuddhistBio...

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Danné Mykietyn, BSc., DH. Holistic Dental Hygienist An energy healer and medical intuitive, Danné received her degree in Dental Hygiene from the University of Washington (1982) and practised full time as a clinician, consultant and educator in dentistry for over 38 years. Danné's passion for wellness fuelled her study in body and brain health when her daughter at age 5 was diagnosed with epilepsy. At age 40, Danné experienced her own spiritual emergency (psychosis) with mental health and then a breast cancer diagnosis, just prior to her 60th birthday. From 2007-2016, Danné owned and operated a Wellness Centre in her hometown of Trail & Rossland, BC Canada which offered a variety of healing services and leading edge educational programs in health and wellness for health care professionals and the public. In 2013 Danné pioneered lab testing in Western Canada for biochemical individuality and Advanced Nutrient Therapy to assist those searching for healing and recovery from mental health and behavioural disorders. Just last year Danné came out of semi-retirement and started DandiLion Healing in response to the staggering epidemic in Mental Health surrounding the viral pandemic of 2020. Presently, Danné is writing about her personal journey with Mental Health and hopes to have her book published this year. She is also fulfilling her spiritual calling on becoming a shaman. Danné currently resides in Airdrie, Alberta Canada close to her family. For fun she loves to craft, play pickleball, cook, cross country ski and walk the canals in her community. Her favourite role is being “Baba” to her grandchildren Lyric, Orion & Zaya. Links to websites: Danné's website: www.dandilionhealing.com Dr William J. Walsh, PhD, researcher and pioneer of Advanced Nutrient Therapy www.walshinstitute.org. From this site you can purchase his book “Nutrient Power – Heal your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain”. Buddhist Biohacker Uplifting Humanity One Byte at a Time The Buddhist Biohacker asks that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron. You can become a patron for only $4.44/month. All proceeds from donations and Patrons go to supporting Buddhist Biohacker, the ajatakasa institute and One Heart One Earth Collaborative. Become A Patron or Make a Donation: https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron Join our forum discussion in the ajatakasa social community: https://www.ajatakasa.com/community

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
An exploration and opening into what it means to be Human, and the magical potential discovered when we return to our Selves. aprilrenee.co Buddhist Biohacker Uplifting Humanity One Byte at a Time The Buddhist Biohacker asks that you consider donating to keep this show alive and/or become a patron. You can become a patron for only $4.44/month. All proceeds from donations and Patrons go to supporting Buddhist Biohacker, the ajatakasa institute and One Heart One Earth Collaborative. Become A Patron or Make a Donation: https://www.lisamgunshore.com/patron Join our forum discussion in the ajatakasa social community: https://www.ajatakasa.com/community

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Join Sheryl Cremeens, the Colorado Herbalist, the third Thursday of every month for discussion on Herbalogy and it’s naturaling healing qualities. My name is Sheryl Cremeens and I am a certified Herbalist. I use plants and other holistic methods to help people feel better and heal. We are not just a symptom or just one thing. We are a beautiful combination of our life, environment, history, family, everything. I also offer Spiritual readings through tarot as a way to connect with Spirit to offer guidance through life’s changes. Website: www.coloradoherbalist.com Apothecary and store: www.coloradoherbalist.com/apothecary-and-store/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHB5... Instagram: @colorado_herbalist MeWe: https://mewe.com/p/coloradoherbalist

Lisa M. Gunshore: Personal Transformation Coach and Sacred Creator
Lisa M. Gunshore is a trailblazer in personal transformation, blending her roles as a tantric yogini, Certified Quantum Coach, Certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach, and Certified Yoga Educator to empower individuals to become their Whole Self and live their soul’s purpose. As the CEO of her own business, Lisa offers coaching for leaders in any industry, guiding them to lead with presence, consciousness, and authenticity.
Initiated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lisa’s work is deeply rooted in non-violence, compassion, and vitality. She supports holistic healing by addressing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges through genetic transformation, ancestral healing, and tailored wellness plans. Her expertise spans conditions such as MTHFR mutations, mold exposure, candida overgrowth, and parasitic infections, while her practice emphasizes nourishing the body with natural foods and raising vibrational frequency.
Lisa’s approach to empowerment extends beyond the individual to focus on lineage and ancestry, helping clients break generational patterns, recover from codependency, and shift from a victim mindset to embrace their role as Sacred Creators.
As the founder of the Buddhist Biohacker platform and YouTube channel, Lisa produces inspiring, conscious content that promotes healing, self-discovery, and empowerment. She also hosts transformative workshops, retreats, and online classes to help others embody their highest potential.
Lisa’s certifications and methods reflect her dedication to well-being and personal growth:
- Certified Quantum Coach, guiding deep inner transformation and purpose alignment.
- Certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach, using functional Ayurveda to create vitality and balance.
- Certified Yoga Educator, specializing in alignment-based yoga and a compassion-centered approach to self-care and loving-kindness.
- Certified YogaSHRED™ and Block Therapy Instructor, combining dynamic movement with innovative techniques to improve posture, release adhesions, and foster flexibility.
Her work has helped countless individuals worldwide heal, transform, and thrive by embracing their authentic selves. Lisa’s mission is clear: to empower others to find balance, harmony, and freedom from suffering, embodying her teachings as a living example of what it means to live a purpose-driven life.